After Sherman
Directed by Jon-Sesrie Goff
$12 / $8 Speed members
“Nourishes both the spirit and soul.”—Robert Daniels, IndieWire
In the documentary, filmmaker Jon-Sesrie Goff follows his father, a minister, in the aftermath of a mass shooting at his church in Charleston, South Carolina to understand how the communities of descendants of enslaved Africans use their unique faith as a form of survival as they continue to fight for America to live up to its many unfulfilled promises to Black Americans.
Goff’s personal practice has involved extensive institutional, community, and personal archival research, visual documentation, and oral history interviews in the coastal South on the legacy of Black land ownership and Gullah Geechee heritage preservation.
Goff’s work A Site of Reckoning: Battlefield was presented in the Promise Witness Remembrance exhibition at the Speed in Spring 2021.
Winner of the Best Documentary Prizes at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival and the Atlanta Film Festival. 2022, U.S., DCP, 88 minutes. Recommended for 13+.